Tag Archives: salvation

Ministry Priorities

Matthew 18:12
“What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one  of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off?

Jesus was  so concerned that we would have the right priority in the ministry of the church that He gave us a mathematical equation to go by.   Is it more important to maintain the sheep who are already believers, or to pursue the one who is totally lost?    Jesus said to pursue the lost sheep and it is more important by a 99 to 1 ratio for the following reasons:

1)  The wandering sheep is in the greatest danger.  He could fall over a cliff, drown, or get eaten by wild animals.

2)  The wandering sheep will only last for a very short time without the herd and the shepherd, so time is of the essence.  

3)  If a sheep wanders, there is a danger of the other sheep following.   The urge to leave is contagious.  Change is exciting.  But change for the wrong reasons can be disastrous.

What do you do every week that connects you to the lost, wandering sheep on a personal level?

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Three Keys To Overcoming Tough Times

The entire world is in a state of panic and stress.  National economies are on the verge of collapse.  Here is the U.S. many state and local governments have ran out of money and places to borrow it from.  Many years of living beyond our means has caught up with individuals and the governments they elect.  We are in a period of adjustment to a new set of values and thankfully the pendulum has swung to a more conservative mindset.  

The book of Revelation is a survival handbook for the church in the last days.  It brought comfort and direction to a suffering church 2000 years ago and the principles contained in it still work today.  Revelation 14:12 says, “Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.”  (NKJV)  

There are three spiritual qualities that we will need during the testing times of the last days and during any time of hardship and suffering:

1)  Patience –  Patience means perseverance and steadfastness.  Don’t give up.  Be willing to push through hard times and not run away from responsibilities and challenges.  First of all we must be patient with God.  If God answered all of our prayers immediately, we would never have a trial.  Trials are a vital part of our growth process.  There is a type of tree in the western U.S. that produces a hard cone with seeds inside.  After years of preventing all types of forest fires, we found out that the only time these seeds come out of their cone is during a fire.  The forestry professionals had to adjust their methods to allow this species of tree to reproduce.  It is during the fires of tribulation that we are purified and prepared to produce more fruit.

We also must learn to be patient with others.  Your real test of your relationship with God is the way you deal with difficult people.  Remember that God shows you mercy and that you should be merciful to those who come in conflict with you.  Realize that the reason that others sin against you is the sin that has blinded their spiritual eyes.  Even during crucifixion Jesus prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”  (Luke 23:34)

2)  Obedience  –   Keeping the commandments of God deals with the moral laws of God (not the ceremonial law).  This includes the written and spoken word.  God’s spoken word will never contradict His written word.  Jesus said that His sheep know His voice.  Allow God to speak to you and show you  how to apply the scriptures to your situation.  Moses missed the promised land because of disobedience.  Many of the Israelites died during the wilderness journey because they did not obey God and the authority that God had placed over them.

3)  Faith  –   Keep believing and trusting in God no matter what happens and even when you don’t understand why your prayer was not answered.  It’s easy to have faith when everything is going your way.  The real test is when it seems like God has forgotten you.  Sometimes our faith is rocked when someone we look to as a spiritual example has a moral failure.  Our faith needs to be in God and God alone.  In the last days the love of many will wax cold.  The things that build your faith are the bible, prayer, and fellowship with other believers.  Don’t ever think you are too mature for these basic pillars of your faith.  Nearly all of the great men and women who fail in their faith admit to getting lazy about the basics.

We are called to be overcomers in life.   The book of Revelation gives us the keys to making it through the darkest times of human history and they will get you through your darkest moments also.  If you have never made Jesus the Lord of your life, just admit that you are a sinner, ask His forgiveness, and confess to everyone that Jesus is Lord of your life.  God will come to you and give you the strength to live this overcoming lifestyle that will last through this life and into eternity.   –   Jeff Burke

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Pray for George Jones ….. hospitalized again….. with a happy ending.

Pray for my good friend George Jones…. he’s having major surgery on his colon, gall bladder, and a hernia… all at the same time.   Recovery will be painful and could take some time.   George grew up with my wife, Pam, went to the same school and church, and also served as my assistant pastor in my last church.   The great news on this incident is that George led a man in the sinner’s prayer just hours before this man, his hospital room-mate passed on.  Another one for Jesus !   Angels are rejoicing !   George has a gift for evangelism and God gives him a lot of divine appointments in his daily life.  We can learn from his example to always be aware of others around us and their spiritual condition.

George is home recovering

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